Kiss Me Skin Imitation Make Up Base (30g)


It covers up uneven skin tones, pores and blemishes, non-oily and make up stays longer. Excellent cover ups effect that makes your skin looks smooth and refreshing.

Non-oily, no artificial fragrance added.

Apply the base before foundation. Apply to areas where they need more cover ups.

- 防汗及皮脂: 含耐水性聚合粒子,油脂吸收粉粒,能在肌膚表面形成薄膜,修飾膚色同時達到不泛油光柔嫩膚色

- 凹凸補正粒子: 能散亂反射光線,分散毛孔凹凸,同時掩飾肌膚黯沉,並修飾出服貼均勻光滑的膚況。

- SPF22 PA++ : 防曬成份配合,一年四季防曬,不添加紫外線吸收劑,無香料色素,不傷害肌膚。

- 保養成份配合: 含 玻尿酸+金縷梅 保濕緊緻成份配合,改善粗糙膚況,保養同時並修潤膚色。

使用方法: 乳液後,以指腹輕輕按壓或敲打,將凹凸不平的毛孔填平即可。局部及全臉皆可使用。